The education sector is a priority that must be developed in Indonesia.
The government must ensure that educational institutions operate fairly, transparently, and inclusively. The reality is that there are several obstacles faced by the less well off in society when dealing with educational institutions.
Amongst this is the imposition of illegal levies. The concept of illegal levies can be defined as an unnecessary cost borne by a person (in this case, the parents of the student).
To eradicate such action, the government issued the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 44 of 2012 concerning Levies and Donations of Education Costs in Basic Education Units (“MECR 44/2012”) and Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2016 concerning the Task Force for Sweeping Illegal Levies (“PR 87/2016”).
MECR 44/2012 distinguishes levies, donations, education funding, and educational expenses. Levies are mandatory and binding, while Donations are voluntary and non-binding. Article 8 MECR 44/2012 stipulates that Charges must be based on a clear plan, stated in a written plan and announced transparently.
In addition, Article 11 MECR 44/2012
stipulates that the levies should not be made against economically incapable people and should also not be misused by educational institutions. Therefore, activities such as registration fees, tuition fees, reregistration money and capital contribution payments are governed by the legislation.
Meanwhile, levies that are often carried out during teaching and learning activities in schools are tuition fees/ committee money, tutoring money, textbook money, LKS money, extracurricular money, student council money, study tour money, library money, scout money, PMI money, calendar money, class funds, cooperative money, and fines for not doing homework. In the later stage during Senior High School, levies may be called try-out money, tutoring money, farewell money, photo money, money to buy mementoes, and graduation money can be classified as illegal.
Encountering such activity, as regulated under MECR 44/2012, the citizen is encouraged to: